November 09, 2014

SharePoint Uninstall, Remove, Add, Install SPSolution .wsp using PowerShell or STSADM

This is gonna very often command that you will keep using to Add and Activate solution in SharePoint Environment so you can bookmark it or follow the blog.

Well the deployment process includes below set of steps to Remove and Add Solutions in SharePoint.
1.      Retract
2.      Remove
3.      Add
4.      Deploy

First Deactivate Solution then Remove Solution, then Add Solution from local drive and Activate to desired scope.

There are 3 simple ways to do so.
·        From SharePoint site, go deactivate then from CA retract and remove solution.
·        Second way is STSADM.exe
·        Third and most preferred way is PowerShell.

Uninstalling SharePoint wsp package using PowerShell command

Uninstall-SPSolution –Identity “MySolution.wsp” –WebApplication “WebApp Url”

Remove SharePoint wsp package using PowerShell command

Remove-SPSolution–Identity "MySolution.wsp"

Add SharePoint wsp package using PowerShell command

Add -SPSolution "C:\Praveen\MySolution.wsp"

Installing SharePoint wsp package using PowerShell command

Install-SPSolution –Identity "MySolution.wsp" –WebApplication "url" –GACDeployment

Using STSADM command

open command prompt and Go to path,
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\BIN
Add Solution
stsadm.exe -o addsolution -filename "c:\Praveen\MySolution.wsp"
Deploy Solution
stsadm.exe -o deploysolution -name "MySolution.wsp" -url "http://server/" -allowgacdeployment -immediate

Activate feature
stsadm.exe -o activatefeature -name "MySolution.wsp" -url "http://server/"

Praveen Pandit